For many people who don’t identify as LGBT+ (and for some who do), some of the terminology used to describe individuals’ sexuality or gender can be quite tricky to navigate. This LGBT+ workshop will give you a complete rundown of the meanings behind the acronym – from asexual and queer to non-binary and trans. It will also give you a better understanding of pronouns and some useful tips on how to be more inclusive of LGBT+ employees. We will give you and your teams the tools and resources to create a real LGBT+ strategy for your business ensuring that LGBT+ is more than Pride and LGBT History month.
The A-to-T of LGBT+ workshop will benefit anyone who would like to understand more about LGBT+ language and experiences.
HR and management professionals in particular will find this course beneficial in their day-to-day operations by helping them better understand their LGBT+ employees and candidates.
We will first provide an introduction to LGBT+ language.
This lesson provides an insight into some of the terminology of the LGBT+ community and an ability to engage with members of your team around this langauge.
We share a look into some statistics about LGBT+ people after joining an organisation.
In this lesson, we will look at how inclusive your business currently is and provide a step-by-step guide on how to promote LGBT+ inclusion in your business.
Next, we will deliver first-hand insight of discrimination in the workplace and the effects it has on the future.
This lesson will round up our explanation of the LGBT+ alphabet and cover the definitions of intersex to transphobia.
We will help give you a better understanding of pronouns, how to use them, their importance and why it makes good business sense.
In this lesson, we will take a look at what other businesses have done right – and what you should avoid!
In this lesson, we will sum up what we’ve learned throughout the course and answer any remainding questions.
A look at how LGBT+ history has shaped the modern workplace and how we can learn from the past to ensure everyone belongs.
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